Appalachian Digital Humanist.

Recorded Presentations.

“Cataloging the Sermons of Charleston’s Temple Israel”

Eric M. Dillon, Dr. Robert Ellison (Marshall University).

Marshall University Digital Humanities Conversation: Community Archiving
Presented April 25, 2022 in Huntington, WV (virtual).

  • Summarized findings from my student archival internship, in which I categorized sermons from the Temple Israel synagogue in Charleston, WV in order to improve the diversity and representation found within the Library of Appalachian Preaching.

“A Machine Learning-Based Automatic Feedback System to Teach Cybersecurity Principles to K-12 and College Students”

Eric M. Dillon, Craig Carpenter II, John Cook, Thomas David Wills, and Dr. Husnu S. Narman.

Marshall University Student Research and Creativity Symposium
Presented on April 19, 2022 in Huntington, WV (in-person).

Marshall University Computer Science Symposium on Emerging Technologies
Presented on April 18, 2022 in Huntington, WV (virtual).

  • Designed a prototype software program to teach K-12 and university students the command line for cybersecurity uses.

“Fine-grained Analysis of Gender Bias in Student Evaluations”

Eric M Dillon, Dr. Haroon Malik, Dr. David A. Dampier (Marshall University), and Dr. Fatma Outay (Zayed University).

11th IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference
Presented on March 13, 2021 in Princeton, NJ (virtual).

Additional Presentations.

“Evaluating Gender Bias in RateMyProfessors Reviews: Integrating Data Mining with Gender Studies”

Eric M. Dillon, Dr. Haroon Malik, Dr. David A. Dampier (Marshall University), and Dr. Fatma Outay (Zayed University).

University of Alberta DiHuCon 2021: Discomfort
Presented on March 15, 2021 in Edmonton, Canada (virtual).

  • Reflected on rectifying the difference between a humanities concept and a STEM audience and how to computationally predict and categorize gender.
  • Included in the conference programming on "Gender and Tech."

“Adapting a GenCyber Teacher Training Camp to Virtual Learning”

Josh Maddy, Eric M. Dillon, Dr. Husnu S. Narman

Marshall University Student Research and Creativity Symposium
Presented on April 19, 2022 in Huntington, WV (in-person).

Marshall University Computer Science Symposium on Emerging Technologies
Presented on April 18, 2022 in Huntington, WV (virtual).